Providing access to 99% EFFECTIVE and 100% FREE
long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)
is about so much more than just birth control...
When given the opportunity to delay pregnancy and plan life on her terms,
a woman has the ability to finish school and secure stable employment.
With easy access to affordable family planning resources,
women experience better educational and economic outcomes,
family stability improves, and happiness for mother and child increases.
With your support, we can directly make the prevention of unplanned pregnancies a reality
for hundreds of middle Tennesseans seeking assistance in accessing this high-cost, vital healthcare in 2023.

A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee is a public charity, exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code, and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. Accordingly, your contribution is deductible to the extent permitted by law and is not in exchange for any goods or services provided by A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee.